6 Hollywood movies suffering from a single catastrophic plot twist

Author: Achu Krishnan

Halloween: Resurrection's ill-conceived twist shattered the franchise's legacy. A forced narrative pivot undermined the slasher classic's chilling essence.

Halloween: Resurrection

Hancock's abrupt twist veered off course, altering the superhero narrative. A jarring turn disrupted the film's initial tone and direction.


Planet of the Apes (2001) twists into confusion with a divisive ending. A puzzling resolution mars the reboot's narrative coherence.

Planet of the Apes 

High Tension's intense journey takes a questionable turn. A divisive twist impacts the narrative coherence, leaving audiences perplexed and divided.

High Tension

The Boy's promising premise unravels with a jarring twist. A misguided revelation derails the horror, disappointing those expecting a conventional story.

The Boy

The Number 23's twist amplifies confusion. A convoluted plot overwhelms, detracting from the psychological thriller's potential impact.

The Number 23