6 must watch movies about A.I

Author: Achu Krishnan

This 1982 movie by Ridley Scott and stars Harrison Ford is set in the future and explores what makes something human.

Blade Runner

The second movie on the list by director Stanley Kubrick, this classic sci-fi film involves a rogue A.I in space.

2001: A Space Odyssey

This 2014 movie follows a reclusive tech billionaire who invites an employee to his lab to help test a new A.I

Ex Machina

This 2013 movie is set in a future where personal assistants have A.I and how it affects their user's minds.


This 2002 movie is set in a future where A.I is used to predict and stop crimes before they occur leading to dire consequences.

Minority Report

Set in the future where a man is given an A.I implant to help him walk again after he is paralyzed.
