Galactic anime odyssey: 6 stellar space adventures you can't miss

Author: Achu Krishnan

A space-western masterpiece blending bounty hunters, jazz-infused adventures, and poignant character stories, defining excellence in anime storytelling.

Cowboy Bebop

A hilarious space comedy navigating the misadventures of an unconventional captain, blending humor and unexpected twists.

The Irresponsible Captain Tylor

A thought-provoking anime exploring space debris collectors' lives, seamlessly blending realistic science, character depth, and existential themes.


A thrilling space odyssey with a twist, this anime unfolds a gripping narrative of survival and mystery.

Astra Lost in Space

A classic space opera intertwining mecha, romance, and intergalactic conflict, defining the genre with its epic storytelling and iconic music.


A cosmic adventure featuring an eccentric alien hunter, blending humor, style, and surrealism in a unique interstellar anime experience.

Space Dandy