Six good movies held back by one bad perfromace

Author: Achu Krishnan

The first Saw was a resounding success and was well received by critics and audiences, except for the performance by Cary Elwes


While not on the same level as the predecessor, the third part suffered due to a terrible performance by Sofia Coppola.

The Godfather 3

The movie has a stellar cast with some great performances, except for Steven Baldwin, who just can't keep up with the rest.

The Usual Suspects

The acting by Katie Holmes stood out like a sour thumb and was not missed in the two sequels.

Batman Begins

This historical drama by Martin Scorsese had a terrific cast except for Cameron Diaz, whose accent kept changing with every scene.

Gangs of New York

This Oscar-winning musical had some great acting and songs except for Russel Crowe, whose singing was just plane awful.

Les Misérables