Six movies where the villain was right

Author: Achu Krishnan

Ken for the Bee Movie, his reaction to finding out that his girlfriend is in love with a bee is right.

The Bee Movie

General Hummel never wanted to harm anyone. He only demanded that the government acknowledge the sacrifice of his soldiers.

The Rock

Gaston from Beauty and the Beast was the hero, he was trying to rescue a kidnapped girl from danger.

Beauty and the Beast

Ava was a sentient being kept against her will by an unstable billionaire, so actions were completely justified throughout the movie.

Ex Machina

Roy Batty and the rest of the replicants only wanted to live out the rest of their lives in peace.

Blade Runner

Despite the movie's best efforts to paint her as unreasonable, Miranda Hillard had every right to leave her useless husband.

Mrs. Doubtfire