The ultimate guide to Madhuri Dixit's stunning hair care routine

Author: Shivani A

Madhuri Dixit believes in improving lifestyle such as drinking water, consuming fish oil capsules to preserve you hair's health

Healthy Lifestyle

Trimming your hair, going for regular hair cuts and using micro-fiber towels to dry your hair instead of using heat is another important step


Madhuri Dixit suggests having a weekly oiling routine where you oil your hair a night before and wash it the next day by applying shampoo only to your scalp and not the hair length 

Regular Hair-Care

She also recommends proper conditioning of hair as our hair is prone to heat damage, pollution which leads to frizzy hair


Her secret oil recipe consists a mix of coconut oil, curry leaves, methi seeds, and onion, when boiled and applied after 2 days gives the best results!

Magic Hair Oil

Her super easy and fun hair mask recipe consists of 1 banana, 2 spoons yoghurt, and 1 spoon honey, gives smooth and shinny hair when applied for 30 minutes

DIY Hair Mask