Author: Achu Krishnan

Unearth 6 cringe-worthy wild west movie blunders

A disfigured bounty hunter, battles supernatural forces in a cringe-worthy adaptation filled with clumsy storytelling and missed potential.

Jonah Hex

Clumsily reimagines the outlaw's legend, stumbling through clichés and wooden performances in a forgettable Wild West flop.

Billy the Kid

The movie overreaches, juggling too many characters and plotlines, resulting in a sprawling, disjointed epic lacking depth.

How the West Was Won

Stumbles in its attempt at a gritty Western, overshadowed by controversial marketing and lackluster storytelling.

The Outlaw

Falls flat with overwrought musical numbers, awkward pacing, and dated portrayals, failing to capture the Wild West's spirit.


Navigate through a poorly executed Wild West tale filled with cringe-worthy moments and missed storytelling opportunities.