Author: Achu Krishnan

War's unseen cost: 6 must-see anti-war movies 

A masterpiece revealing the futility and heartbreak of conflict, exploring the profound impact on soldiers' lives.


A harrowing anti-war film unravels the devastating horrors of conflict, exposing the soul-shattering toll on innocence and humanity.

Come and See

Kubrick's anti-war classic dissects the dehumanizing effects of Vietnam War, delving into the brutal transformation of soldiers.

Full Metal Jacket

A stark anti-war portrayal, this film unravels the chilling consequences of nuclear conflict, depicting the harrowing aftermath and human resilience


An emotional anti-war anime masterfully depicts the impact of conflict on children, showcasing resilience amid devastation.

Grave of the Fireflies

A haunting anti-war drama unfolds, exploring the human spirit's resilience amid the brutality of World War II's Eastern Front.

The Ascent